Thursday, December 8, 2016

Out Of Office Reply...

Thank you for stopping by This Is My Faster! Unfortunately I'll be away from my blog for the next few days making memories along the Alafia River at my first ever Ragnar Trail Relay Race!

You can "picture follow" my trail journey by checking out my Instagram posts via THIS LINK ðŸ˜Š.

Or you can deprive yourself of the picture updates and wait for the race recap (which will be posted early next week).

Life is short though... and there are alligators along the trails... so if you want to make sure I'm surviving camping and trail running just check out my IG 👉 <here>

See you next week!!!!

Always & Forever,
This Is My Faster aka LeAnne 💜


  1. I commented earlier but I think it didn't go through. Just wanted to say I hope you're having fun!!! I can't wait to read about it!

  2. Thanks Jenny!!!! It was a blast! I'm working on the recap so it should be posted soon ;)


Thanks for your comment!