Friday, April 28, 2017

T.G.I.F x a million!

So this week sucked. Not running-wise but everything else wise. Running was actually not too bad this week. This morning I did a 4 mile run with Mimi...

Yesterday (Thursday) I did a one mile run to keep up the run streak...

On Wednesday I ran with Mimi again and we did a 4 mile run...

On Tuesday I did a 4 mile run with Jani...

And (finally) on Monday I did a slow & steady solo 5K run...

This week was a big change from the past few weeks of mostly one mile daily runs. And the increased mileage secured a 5 day 10,000 steps/day streak for me...

So really not a bad running week, but a really busy and stressful week otherwise. And while running went well, swimming did not. As in... I did not swim. Not once 😔. You would never guess I have a swimming event next weekend based on my lack of proper swim training. Sigh. It's funny (well not really) but I have no motivation to swim when I'm stressed out. Running is definitely a stress reliever for me. But swimming? Swimming just isn't the same. 

But the fact is I have a swimming event in 8 days and I. AM. NOT. READY. And I won't be until my swims look as smooth and easy like this...
How was your training this week?

What are your weekend plans?

What's next on your race calendar?

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