Friday, October 31, 2014

One Run Stronger...

I wasn't sure what type of workout I wanted to do when I woke up this morning. This week has been a bit haphazard with work obligations and schedule changes etc. And I've also been extremely exhausted in the morning (not sure why) so early morning gym sessions were on hold on both Wednesday and Thursday. Today when I woke up I knew I would be running, but I wasn't going to mentally commit to a specific time or distance. I started out with a 1/2 mile brisk warm up walk and then started running using a 4:1 interval ratio. I slowly started to pick up the speed and aimed for a sub-10min mile...
(close but not quite there yet)

Then I turned off my Runtastic app and interval timer after the 1 mile run and did a "cool down" walk for 1/2 a mile. I considered doing another 1 mile "speed workout" run but decided to just listen to music and complete a slow run:walk session around my complex. I didn't worry about my time or the duration of my run intervals or my walking intervals. I ran when I wanted to, and walked when I wanted to, and then stopped when I was tired...

I'm happy to announce that the Wings for Life World Run US locations finally opened up for registration today!! So you know what I did during my lunch break...
I'm all registered and set to go on May 3rd 2015 in Sunrise, FL

With the amount of races/runs I have registered for in the past few weeks I think it's time to admit that I might have a tiny obsession with running. Just a tiny one, not "intervention worthy"....yet. I have a separate line item in my budget for running related expenses though so I feel a little comforted by the fact that I can go to my "running savings account" for all these race fees.

I also have an actual piggy bank that I use to save for my Athens Marathon in 2016 (that trip is going to be a major expense). I figured I would need to show photo proof for this one so here you go...

Today I felt extra hungry. I try and ensure I eat a balanced meal for every meal but lunch was very "carb heavy" today (butternut squash soup and sweet potato fries)...

Today is Halloween and although I don't typically celebrate/participate in this holiday (is halloween a holiday?) I took Kaiyu to my friend's house so she could collect the pre-requisites for a sugar coma. She decided to "dress up" as one of her favorite female Jamaica-American Olympic track stars, Sanya Richards-Ross...

This weekend I'm doing my taper run of 8 miles with my running group on Sunday, before my Ft Lauderdale Half Marathon next week (on November 9th). I'm looking forward to having a great session because it's with my group and it's only 8 miles...

I saw this on Instagram and LOVED it (and almost died laughing at how true this statement is)...

What are you running this weekend?

Anyone doing the NY Marathon?

What color Starburst are you??

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