I decided to obtain my medical degree on WebMD so I went online to research my symptoms. This is what I came up with...
The pain I have is more of a dull pain. It was sharp at one point this morning, but it's mostly dull and it's right by the base of my 2rd and 3rd toe (right on the ball of my foot). It's kind of like this...
(where the red dot is... by the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal heads)
So, if that's what is actually going on with my foot, the recommendation is to rest it and apply ice to the area. I'm going to start doing that tomorrow... and by rest I mean not overdoing the running and maybe changing my footfall position back to heel striking for a bit (just to take the pressure off the ball of my foot). And since my fridge is broken and the earliest repair appointment I could get is next week Monday, the icing process will commence tomorrow morning.