Sunday, June 7, 2015

Silver Linings....

It's been a busy couple of days filled with lots of good news and some bad news. Well maybe not bad news... more like "I have a super long to-do list now" news. I started (what I enthusiastically call) my "New Beginnings" to-do list on Friday and spent most of Saturday adding things to the list as they came up...

The thing about to-do lists is that they can become overwhelming if you focus on ALL the things you have to get done. So in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed I've just been focusing on one thing at a time...

Today I crossed the first thing off my list...
And I took the opportunity to teach Kai the difference between a Phillips and Flathead/Slot screwdriver. 
Which, by the way, is something every woman should know.

Kai and I also did some (late) "spring cleaning" around the house and got rid of everything that no longer belongs, in order to make space for some new furniture and electronics. We actually got some unsolicited help with that, but that's all for the best anyway. Plus my twin sister confessed that she hated the old furniture so once Kai and I finish redecorating I'm convinced she will come and visit more often :)

I spent most of my Sunday afternoon cooking Sunday dinner and trying to decide which one of my new bargain books I'm going to start reading...
I tried to keep busy so I could avoid focusing on how bad my run was this morning :(

The "bad" run...
This morning I was up at 3am. I tried to go back to sleep but when that didn't work I decided to slowly get ready for my long run. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to battle when I look at all the things I use to keep my legs from falling to pieces when I run...

I got to the Boardwalk around 5:30am to start my warm-up and the humidity level was already 90%...
It did NOT feel like 74 degrees!

The goal for today was 16 miles, but I was only able to complete 11.5 miles...

I really couldn't push myself anymore without risking injury. I'm still technically nursing my ankles back to health so, even though I'm cleared to run, I didn't want to over do it...
(hopefully "someday" will be next weekend)

Running after the sun rises is not going to work out well for me this Summer...
Can't you just feel how hot it was by looking at this picture?!

Even though I was disappointed that I wasn't able to complete the run I still managed to force a smile in my post-run pic...

And once I got home I sat in an ice bath for a few minutes...

And made a new best friend...

I'm going to really try hard not to focus on my "not the best" runs this past week and instead look forward to the new week of running that starts tomorrow (and other such "silver linings")...
Hope you had a great Sunday!!!

How was your week/weekend of running?

When you don't complete your long run mileage during training do you try again the following week?

What's the longest "bad running" streak you've had to endure? 


  1. Whenever I don't complete a run, I typically stick to my training schedule as if I had - I know some people say that if it's early in training, you should make up for it, but I just carry on!

    1. I guess technically it's still early enough. Depending on how this week goes I'm going to try and get the 16 miles completed. It will mean starting a lot earlier so I'm trying to come up with a plan for that ;)


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