Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Murphy's Law..

This morning I learned two very important lessons (the second one I actually knew already):
#1 don't underestimate the importance of race week prep.
#2 don't forget Murphy's Law.

I was exhausted getting up for this morning's run (I really need to try and go to sleep early for the rest of the week). I have to confess that I didn't enjoy my run, but I completed it because I knew I should (after all it's only 30 minutes). Plus, I didn't want to deal with "MWG" (missed workout guilt). Even though I was tired and my knee started to hurt (hence the Murphy's Law reference above), I still maintained (what has become) my "new normal" training pace.

I felt like this at the end of it...
                                                                ....(minus the gender change of course)

The half countdown continues...

Meanwhile, I've been seeking out race day pep-talks to calm my nerves, so I sent a message to my dad and we talked about the event..
I'm anxious about several aspects of the event. One being that I don't want to be the last runner on the course who, because of my slow pace, causes the activation of a "runner search and rescue" mission because I am taking so long (I'm not sure that's really a thing but the thought of them adopting a no runner left behind philosophy is comforting, albeit delusional)

I also called my brother and messaged my cousins and spoke with my friends at work....see?...I'm only a little nervous.

In addition to the event and the awesome finisher medal, I am also looking forward to visiting my new favorite restaurant, Bandera (on Michigan Ave.) on Saturday after the race. Sanya (my twin sister aka "athlete extraordinaire" and "#1 marathon running inspiration") discovered it on our trip there last month. I am almost as excited about the restaurant as I am about getting my finisher medal. Almost.

Happy Tuesday!

What do you do for your race week prep? 
How do you handle your pre-race anxiety?


  1. Best one yet!
    I'm getting started this weekend, so I'll remember this post at mile market #1 :)

  2. Thanks! And Good Luck this weekend! Are you training for a specific race?


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