Thursday, June 25, 2015

5K & 5 Miles...

I'm in the middle of a love-hate relationship with Summer running. I love that I've been able to get my training runs in. But I hate that I have to run in such humid weather...

Since Saturday's LR I've been battling sore muscles and blisters, so I took three consecutive rest days (Sun-Tues) and didn't run again until Wednesday. That run was a struggle because (despite the rest days) my muscles still felt stiff. I decided to only do a 5K run (with intervals)...

In hindsight I really should have gone for a walk on Monday evening to help loosen up my muscles and prepare for this running week. Although having three rest days felt great (and I've been diligent with my foam rolling and stretching) I think I would have benefited from something like walking or swimming.

This morning I did a 5 mile run (non-stop)...
...which felt great (apart from some upper calf pain).

I'm trying to maintain 5 miles as the minimum distance for my mid-week runs, but so far I go back and forth between a 5K training run and a 5 mile training run. Today I wanted to see if I've been making any progress (in terms of speed) with those distances over the past few weeks.

Last three 5Ks...

Last three 5 mile runs...
There doesn't seem to be any consistency with my paces recently so I can't really say I'm making progress on my short runs. The only thing that has been consistent is the development of blisters on my toes during my runs :(

How has your week been so far?

How often do you compare your training runs?

On your training runs, do run for time or distance?


  1. Those are great times! Since I'm just doing longer distances for the first time, I am focused on distances. But I have been sort of trying to make my 3 mile runs faster. The other day I did a 3 mile run at about a 10 second a mile pace faster than my previous best 3 miles... and my legs hurt afterward, LOL. Ten seconds shouldn't be that serious!

    1. Thanks! I know sometimes the small improvements seem like such a struggle! But glad you are shaving seconds off your time :) Every little bit counts ;)


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