Saturday, December 3, 2016

Diet Pizza, Trails & Exciting News!!!

Since my πŸ’” experience at the NY Marathon (😞 you can check out that post here), I've been on an emotional roller coaster regarding training and my marathon (& post marathon) weight gain. So, the thing with the emotional roller coaster is that I'm an emotional eater... which invariably leads to more weight gain since I'm not only eating my feelings, but also eating like I'm still carb loading for a race...

Dec 1st was the start supposed to be the start of my renewed focus on training and my "training diet". But I had pizza for dinner last nightπŸ•... and breakfast this morning... so things aren't off to a great start. Although... it was a thin crust and didn't have any cheese so it's more like "diet pizza" right?

But starting today (or tomorrow) I'm definitely going to be more focused because I have races for the next two weekends. First up on the race list is the Ragnar Trail Relay, which involves camping and running three trail loops...
(I'm runner #4)

I've never done a Ragnar Trail before. I've actually never run a trail race period. And I'm also not a very big fan of camping⛺, or the associated camping things (like cold showers, bugs, lizards, sleeping bags, lizards, weird nighttime noises, lizards). But I wanted to do another Ragnar this year, and I wanted to try the whole Ragnar Trail thing (since I already did a Ragnar Road Relay in Chicago). 

I convinced myself that a trail race was a great idea and simultaneously convinced my friend Mary (aka "camper extraordinaire") to come with me. So in one week we are going to...

And in preparation for the upcoming 15.8 miles of trail running fun we will be having next weekend, we decided to hit the trails and run a few miles this morning...

The day after we come back from Ragnar I have the Weston Half Marathon (yup, the day after) so that will be a "slow and steady try to finish before they close the course" race for me...
(I work for the title sponsor and it's a race I like with a decent course so I definitely want to run it participate)

So at the end of next weekend (if all goes according to plan) I would have run 28.8 miles. That's a lot. Thankfully the miles will be broken up over the course of 72 hours and essentially 4 runs. It's like my own personal "crazy runner challenge" (except I don't get an extra medalπŸ˜’).

After my almost 30 weekend miles I will be resting and cross training in preparation for the following weekend's events and activities...

In addition to preparing for my remaining 2016 races, I have been revising and updating my race calendar for 2017. This is what I have planned for the first nine months of the year:
Jan - Tropical 5K & Miami half marathon (I'm registered for the full but I'm going to downgrade)
Feb - Ft Lauderdale A1A half marathon
Mar - Miami Beach half marathon
Apr - (nothing yet)
May - Swim Miami & Wings for Life (they are on the same day so I have to pick one πŸ˜”)
Also in May - Ragnar Niagara Falls (I'll be running anywhere from 20 - 31 miles)
Jun - ZOOMA Annapolis half marathon (tentatively planning for this one)
Jul - (nothing yet)
Aug - Swim Miami Beach
I found out I got selected for Berlin this week! I can't wait to run my third World Marathon Major!!!
It's going to be a family trip/racecation of a lifetime!

I really hope I can keep up the trend and do either London or Tokyo for 2018 (and then the opposite for 2019). I'll have to leave Boston for the last one since it's going to take me about 3-4 years to raise the amount of money required for charity entry 😐. 

The 4th quarter of 2017 is still unaccounted for. I'll know about the Chicago Marathon lottery in 10 days (not that I'm counting or anything). If I get into Chicago, November and December will be very easy months for me. If I don't get in then the (tentative) plan is for the Philly Marathon in November. 

I know I'm not the only crazy person that plans their race calendar a year in advance, so...

What's on your 2017 Race/Running Bucket List?

Do you have any more races to run this year?

Have you ever done trail running? (share your tips and strategy please!)


  1. Girl, I loveeee that you've got races lined up for almost every month! Such a great way to stay motivated! :)

  2. lol thanks Gigi! Staying motivated is definitely the goal :)


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