Sunday, May 28, 2017

Generic White Van... with magnets {Ragnar Niagara Race Recap: Part 2}

<<If you haven't read part 1 of the Ragnar Niagara race recap you should check it out before you read part 2 😉>>

We made a quick stop at Walmart to get markers to decorate the van after we had lunch (before we got to Exchange 12). We didn't really have a theme for the van decorations so we stuck with an authentic representation of our home on wheels for the remainder of the race...

And then we did the traditional team roster van display...

When we got to Exchange 12 Van 2 was already there waiting for Ray (runner 12) to finish his first leg. Exchange 12 is another major exchange since that's where Van 2 turns the slap bracelet over to Van 1 for the start of our second legs. But again, just like Exchange 6, Exchange 12 was kind of small...

While we were waiting for Ray to finish running, the ladies of Van 1 took some selfies...

Eventually we heard the volunteer call our team number and it was time for Leg 2 to start...

Once Ray handed off to me I started on my 5 mile run for Leg 2. The course had changed a little from the original route because of some flooding in the area, and I didn't really pay much attention to the elevation before the change, but the revised second leg was very very hilly...

But I got through the 5 miles...

And successfully handed off to Julie...

My vanmates spent quite a bit of time commenting on the "uniqueness" of my running gait so I tried to focus on it during the tail end of my second leg. As a result my gait didn't look horrible in the exchange photo 😊. Anyway, after Julie completed her second leg she handed off to Cam...

And Cam handed off to EmJai...

I don't have pics of the hand off from EmJai to A or from A to Dafney. But shortly after Dafney took off on her second leg she sent a message that there was some confusion on the course (due to a lack of proper signage) and she and a few other runners were lost. Not good. But there was something about the way the team came together in that moment. A and Cam went to run the route for Dafney's second leg (in the opposite direction) to see if they could find her; Emjai and Julie stayed in the van to stay with our stuff; and I went in search of Van 2 to let them know what was going on. 

Fortunately Dafney and the other lost runners found their way back to the right route and she safely finished her second leg and handed off to Van 2 at Exchange 18...

Once our second legs were done we headed to Exchange 24 (which is where we would need to be for the start of our third and final legs). Exchange 24 is "the exchange". It where the teams get to take a shower (one van at a time). They also have hot food for sale and designated sleeping areas; but the most important thing is the shower. 

So it wasn't quite a prison shower feel (mainly because it was a small shower area) but it was open and clothing optional. Nobody opted for clothing. Well, one person did but that was short lived cause you don't feel quite as clean if you take a shower in a sports bra and underwear. I was much more prepared for the shower situation at this Ragnar (compared to Ragnar Chicago). I had everything I needed... except a regular towel... and flip flops. Fortunately EmJai allowed me to borrow her flip flops since I was showering first because "friends don't let friends get athlete's foot"

After my shower I felt human again. I wasn't very hungry so once I got back to the van I put in ear plugs and covered my eyes with a sleep mask and drifted off for the most amazing 4 hours of sleep ever. 

Garmin captured my activity for my first two legs right up to the moment I started sleeping nicely...

When I woke up I was still a bit groggy but I was rested enough to be ready for leg 3. Most of the rest of the team got up with me and stayed with me while I waited for Ray to finish running. It was still pretty early in the morning so we were all decked out in safety gear...

This leg was probably the most mentally challenging leg for me. I didn't really mind the time of day, but the route was really really dark. And at one point we were on a trail that was away from the street. I could only see a few feet in front of me (even with my head light on the highest beam) and it kind of felt like the darkness was "hugging" me. It's a weird concept and I really don't know how to describe it. But I could feel how dark it was (I'm afraid of the dark, did I ever mention that before? Yea... so this wasn't my favorite leg). I tried to keep up as fast a pace as possible so that I could still see the tail lights of the runners in front of me. But I'm not that fast. The runners behind me weren't that fast either because I kept looking over my shoulder and I didn't see any bouncing headlights coming my way. Eventually I got closer to a lighted path and I was able to see a few runners in the distance. 

Part of this leg had us running up a few flights of stairs, along a bridge, and down the stairs on the other side. The signage was not that great and I ended up slowing down and waiting for other runners to get confirmation on where we were supposed to go. Once I was back on the right path I ran the remainder of my leg 3 5K as fast as I could...

We followed the same hand off rotation for our third legs: Me to Julie, Julie to Cam; Cam to EmJai; EmJai to A; A to Dafney. And while we were waiting for Dafney to finish her third and final leg, we met up with Van 2...

We were all there to cheer Dafney in and just like that Van 1 was done!

Ragnars are famous for teams counting their "kills". A kill occurs every time you pass a runner on your leg. Our team wasn't terribly homicidal...

Unlike Jared "the serial killer"...

Since we were done with our legs we took our time and made our way to the Finish (Exchange 36) to wait for Van 2. And you can read all about the remainder of the race and trip in Part 3. 


  1. Ok wait. What do u mean the showers are open?? LOL. Like people can see you??

    Also, I am so afraid of running in the dark!! I don't know how you did that. But I'm gonna have to figure it out before Ragnar South Beach! (I think I told u I was doing that one).

  2. LOL yes people can see you ;) There are those that opt not to take a shower, but I can guarantee you the shower helps you relax (which you will definitely need considering the lack of sleep etc). It takes some adjusting but feeling clean is worth it :)

    Are you team captain for your RSB race?


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