Friday, April 24, 2015

"Five" Friday Favorites!

I'm celebrating today! I've been worried about a potential issue over the past few days, but I got the "everything is fine" notification today...
So I'm in full celebration mode!!! 

It's the perfect way to end the week and start my weekend so I did a couple of things to help me celebrate:

#1 I got new swimming goggles! My old goggles are somewhere at the bottom of the ocean or wherever they drifted off to after they left my head during Swim Miami last weekend. I don't miss them. Today I invested in what I hope will be a great pair that will last me a long time...

When I was walking into Dicks Sporting Goods to buy the goggles I saw this...
I love this! Who will you be?

#2 I was craving chocolate today so I treated myself to this...

Chocolate gives me migraines so I try to avoid it (and all dairy) but the ingredients indicate that there was a possibility of dairy-free consumption, so I decided to take an optimistic "glass half-full" approach...

#3 I'm planning on participating in the Mother Against Drunk Driving (M.A.D.D) 5K event on Sunday. At first I wasn't going to do it because my Sundays are traditionally reserved for my long run mileage, and my goal is to try and run 10 miles this weekend. But I changed my mind for several reasons:
     3.1- It's for a great cause.
     3.2- I have friends on the planning committee and I'm going to run with their corporate team.
     3.3- My registration was paid for by the corporate team.
     3.4- The course is open for 3.5 hours and I got permission to run the course three times (plus an additional 0.7 miles) so that I can complete my mileage for this week.
     3.5- The course water stations will enable me to leave my hydration belt at home :)

#4 When I got in to work this morning I saw an email about a "Mother Daughter Look Alike Contest" that my job is going to have next month. What caught my attention the most was this...

People say Kai is my "mini-me" ALL the time! So, of course, I entered a pic of Kai and myself...
What do you think? Could we be "twins"?

#5 This is my fifth thing for today but it's not a favorite...
I'm not going to discuss the details of the episode because I hate the "social media spoiler alerts" that have permeated the Internet since the episode aired last night. However, I was not happy when I watched it. Enough said :(

How was your Friday?

What was your most favorite thing about today?

What are your weekend plans?


  1. You and your daughter are too cute! I am glad you got some news that is a good. I hate waiting for results! I'd be curious to hear how you like those goggles. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Sandra! I was supposed to test them out this morning but I didn't swim. I will be swimming next week though so I will let you know :)
      I hope you have a great weekend also!

  2. I'm glad you got good results. :) My weekend plans are to do a whole lot of nothing and relax! lol

    1. Thank you!!!! I hope you enjoy your weekend of relaxation!!!!

  3. You and your daughter are both so beautiful! Greys was rough. Really, really, rough....

    1. Thank you!!!!!! Yeah, I'm not sure what direction the show is going to go in now :(


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