And we even sped up a bit at the end...
It was a great workout but I was glad when we were done. Sprinting (even if it's just for a minute at a time) takes a lot out of me. I had enough energy to smile for our post-run pic but that's about it...
I'll continue my run streak tomorrow with a one mile run, but Saturday and Sunday will include longer back-to-back runs. I'm going to try and do longer back-to-back runs every weekend up until the Miami Half Marathon because I'm also running the Tropical 5K the day before. And, since my goal is to get a half marathon PR this year, I figured training for the race weekend conditions would be the best way to do it.
That being said, I don't know if the PR will actually happen at Miami. All the stars (and planets... and universes) would have to align for that to happen. But, I want to do at least 6 half marathons this year so if I can PR in at least one of them I'll be happy 😊.
My current half marathon PR is 2:26:41 (Sarasota 2015)...
And (based on Garmin) that worked out to an 11:09 min/mile pace...
(I have a long way to go if I'm going to get back to that pace over a 13.1 miles distance)
I (typically) always have a goal in mind. Not just for running, for fitness and training in general. But since I started running in 2013 there's usually a specific running goal that I focus on to help me stay motivated. This year there are two main goals: Stay injury-free & get faster...
Oh! And (how could I forget the most important goal of all) to continuously expand my race bling collection...
What are your running goals this year?
Do you have race goals? (like the # of races you want to do etc.)
Or pace goals? (are you hoping for a specific PR this year?)
How often do you rearrange your race bling display? (I think this is the 5th or 6th time I've rearranged mine)
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