Thursday, January 5, 2017

Always Something Worth Chasing...

This morning's run went a lot better than expected. I did 4 miles (an out and back route) with my friend Jani and we stuck to 60s:30s run:walk intervals. Which is kind of like the 2:1 intervals we were doing towards the end of last year (except the duration of each segment is shorter). So to ensure we weren't out there all day, we picked up our pace during the running segments and kept up a brisk walking pace otherwise. Overall our pace was pretty decent...

And we even sped up a bit at the end...

It was a great workout but I was glad when we were done. Sprinting (even if it's just for a minute at a time) takes a lot out of me. I had enough energy to smile for our post-run pic but that's about it...

I'll continue my run streak tomorrow with a one mile run, but Saturday and Sunday will include longer back-to-back runs. I'm going to try and do longer back-to-back runs every weekend up until the Miami Half Marathon because I'm also running the Tropical 5K the day before. And, since my goal is to get a half marathon PR this year, I figured training for the race weekend conditions would be the best way to do it.

That being said, I don't know if the PR will actually happen at Miami. All the stars (and planets... and universes) would have to align for that to happen. But, I want to do at least 6 half marathons this year so if I can PR in at least one of them I'll be happy 😊.

My current half marathon PR is 2:26:41 (Sarasota 2015)...

And (based on Garmin) that worked out to an 11:09 min/mile pace...
(I have a long way to go if I'm going to get back to that pace over a 13.1 miles distance)

I (typically) always have a goal in mind. Not just for running, for fitness and training in general. But since I started running in 2013 there's usually a specific running goal that I focus on to help me stay motivated. This year there are two main goals: Stay injury-free & get faster...

Oh! And (how could I forget the most important goal of all) to continuously expand my race bling collection...

What are your running goals this year? 

Do you have race goals? (like the # of races you want to do etc.)

Or pace goals? (are you hoping for a specific PR this year?)

How often do you rearrange your race bling display? (I think this is the 5th or 6th time I've rearranged mine)

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