Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Another Mile, Another Minute...

So apparently my sub-10 min/mile pace stayed on vacation in Jamaica. The two runs I've done since I've been back (yesterday and today) have been progressively slower. Monday's mile...

Today's two miles...
(I decided to add another mile to this run since I added another minute to my pace)

There never seems to be a real rhyme or reason to why some of my runs are slower and some are "fast" (for me). Although, the common theme among the runs this week is that I'm tired and really not getting a good night's sleep. I'm also a little stressed out about non-running related things so I'm sure that doesn't help (as much as running is supposed to be an escape from life's stress, sometimes the stress doesn't help your running). 

On a happier note... ZOOMA decided to offer a new discount on their Florida races in October. So you can get money off this way or you can use my discount code: LEANNE2017 to save...
(To get this deal, register before March 22, 2017 and enter the code WELOVEFLORIDA)

My first ZOOMA race will be the Annapolis virtual half on June 3rd! I'm already registered so I'm pretty excited about it. I'm still trying to decide if I'm doing the Florida race. It's a local-ish race and I feel the need to support a lot of the local events this year. That being said, it will be after both the Berlin and Chicago Marathons so I'm sure my legs will be tired. And I know I will need to rest them enough so that I can run Ragnar in November. 

I still haven't made it to the pool yet 😔. It's been a crazy week (yes, I know it's only Tuesday) and tonight/tomorrow morning I really need to catch up on sleep. I'm still struggling with this cough that won't go away and I know part of the reason why it's taking so long for me to get better is because I'm not getting enough rest. Tonight I'm going to aim for 7 hours of sleep (which will be a record compared to what I've been getting recently).

Do you have trouble sleeping when you're sick?

How many virtual races have you done? 

What race/event are you training for now?


  1. I think you definitely get a break on the pace since you just traveled and everything!!

    Is it the South Beach Ragnar you're doing? I can't remember but that one just came up on my Facebook the other day and looks so fun! I mentioned it to my friend and I'm thinking maybe next year!

    $20 off is a great deal!! I'm currently trying to decide on a fall/ winter marathon so I'm hesitant to schedule much for that time frame. Right now I'm leaning toward Miami Marathon?? Othwrwise I might consider that one!

    1. I'm doing Ragnar Niagara in May and South Beach in November. I'm team captain for the South Beach event so I'm excited about that. I haven't done the full in Miami but I did the half. The race bling is always incredible. Definitely a race worth running :)
      There are different legs for the Ragnar relay so you can use it as a training run ;)


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