Saturday, July 11, 2015

A Lot Of Fight Left In Me...

I have a new song crush!

I like all the lyrics of the song (& I pretty much know most of it by heart, now that I've had the song on repeat for the entire day)....
In addition to my new favorite song I joined a new running group! I'm excited about the new group because we are all training for Fall full marathons and 2 of the other ladies are also training for Chicago :) My main #ChicagoMarathon training partner is in Jamaica and unfortunately I won't see her again until marathon weekend :(

I'm on a different mileage increase plan than the group is because I started training in May. And since I did 18 miles last weekend I was scheduled to run 10 miles today (as my cutback/taper run). But the group was scheduled to do 11, so I decided to run the 11 miles with them...

The route was great but there were a few bugs issues (I hate bugs); the bug spray helped kind of helped. Most of the route was shaded (which was awesome) and the area was pretty quiet (so I didn't have to worry too much about cars etc). There were a lot of other running groups out there as well, and I even saw a few runners that I know to be ultra marathoners.

My pace was slow and steady (which has become the norm for my humid long runs)...

Going in to the run my legs felt "ok". They have been a little tight since my run 4 mile run with Niqui on Thursday evening...
(my Garmin wouldn't pick up a signal so I used Runtastic instead)

Thursday's post run selfie with Niqui...

And even though I rested on Friday (apart from a little stretching) my muscles were still a little stiff on Saturday morning. I also had my usual ankle+foot+knee pain thing happening by the time I got to mile 6. But.....(drum roll please)....NO BLISTERS!!!!!!

The rest of my Saturday was pretty uneventful. My baby sister was back in town (stopping through on her way back home); but the first thing she wanted to do was eat and sleep (she said something about a long plane ride and jet lag...booooo!)
{I wasn't feeling very sympathetic because I was getting bored while I waited for her to wake up}

Eventually we (Jule, Del and the rest of the S. Fl family) found our way to Bahama Breeze for food


How has your training been going this week?

How do you deal with bugs/insects/critters on your runs?

I need night light recommendations for my early morning runs; What do you use?


  1. It seems like every time I run through a cloud of gnats, my mouth is open, and I swallow like 8! Hate bugs while running.

  2. I don't do bugs well either, so I pretty much bathe in bug spray. Even though that's not great either, I have a serious fear of ticks, so I have to choose my battles. Also, I just recently started liking fight song too! I didn't like it at first..

    1. Have you ever tried Bug Bands? I'm going to try them the next time to see if they help (I'll probably use bug spray as well).
      Why didn't you like the song at first?

  3. Bugs are one of the many things I don't like about running in summer - I do my best to avoid the big clouds of gnats, but sometimes you just have to spit a few out, lol. Nice job!

    1. Yeah bugs are up there on the list of "things I hate about running in the Summer" too :(
      What's your favorite running season?

  4. Well in the trail I encounter a lot of bugs and mosquitoes so I usually wear my sunglasses. Unfortunately that does not keep them out of my mouth and I've learned that my sticky lipgloss allows them to stay on my face while I run which is not cool LOL. I absolutely love flights on as well! I have had it on repeat for most of my training runs this week.

    1. They stick to me too! All over (the fact that I sweat a lot doesn't help). Do you use bug spray?

  5. I have been taking a break because of nursing school and holiday's and it has been nice, but I am really eager to get back into it full force. I wish Utah had more running groups I would love to find a good one to train with.

    1. You should start one! If you have other friends that run then you can start something informal and then hopefully it will continue to grow :)
      Good luck with Nursing School!!! I absolutely love being a nurse :)

  6. I love that song!!! It definitely means a lot to me with running.

    1. Same for me! And then I'm going through some other stuff too so it helps with that also :)


Thanks for your comment!