Saturday, December 13, 2014

10 "Day" YOU Challenge: 5 Movies

It's been 3 weeks since my last 10 "Day" Challenge post. Between training, tapering, and recovering it's been a busy couple of weeks. But, better late than never so here 5 Movies!

Like music, I can't really narrow down my favorite movies to only five. And there are no common themes around my favorites so I can't group them by categories either. Similarly, I have not watched a lot of movies that focus on running so I can't even make that the "theme" of this post. So basically I decided to share with you the 5 movies that I have watched at least 5 times in the past 5 years.

1. Despicable ME:
I love this movie! The minions are my favorite and if you ignore the whole "evil genius taking over the world and shrinking the moon" foolishness it's actually a cute story line. (Confession) I watch this movie with and without minor children present (so therefore I can't use that as an excuse for the ridiculous amount of times I've seen it since it came out...the number ranks in the double digits). 

2. Love Actually:
I'm definitely a fan of romantic comedies. They feed my hopeless romantic personality and the "light" entertainment makes it a great movie to watch while passing the time. It's also one of my favorite Christmas Holiday movies, so I tend to watch it more a lot around Christmas. 

3. New Year's Eve:
This is another "holiday movie favorite" but I watch it whether or not it's around the holidays. Sometimes I "scene hop" and just watch my favorite scenes over and over again, but mostly I watch it from start to finish ;)

4. Pitch Perfect:
I loooove this movie! and I can't wait for the sequel to finally come out! I watch this movie with Kai all the time (when she watches it we have to fast forward through the "blonde girl puking her guts out" scenes).

5. 2012:
My favorite scene from this movie is the major earthquake scene. Mainly because it's soooooo unrealistic it's funny. Overall the storyline is nice and I like the whole "action packed" thing it has going on with a sprinkle of a love story and a dash of "humanity" (albeit at the very end...after most people have died).

What are your top favorite movies?

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