Sunday, December 7, 2014

13 pictures & 1 video from my half marathon (and other festivities @ Shenanigans)...

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a blog post filled with pictures should pretty much tell the complete story of the amazing half marathon I ran today. In spite of all my illogical self-doubt, I did really well. Better than I was hoping for (which is remarkable considering my knee and hip pain...and the pain in my left foot that started at mile 6). But I'll try and let the pictures do most of the talking...

Before the start...

There was an amazing turnout at the event...

I ran with my 4:1 Memorial Milers group for the beginning of the race (about the first 3 miles or so) and then my "pace sister" Senovia and I started to pick up our speed a bit (we both were really hoping to PR today). 

The route changed a bit between the time Diane and I drove it yesterday and the start of the event this morning, so by the time I got to where Diane was waiting for me along the course I had already done about 9 miles...

The rest of the event was a bit of a blur to be honest. My left foot pain was getting worse so I spent most of the time focusing on landing on the outside of my foot (but being extra careful so I didn't twist my ankle). When I got to the turnaround point for the half marathoners all I could think was "Thank God I'm not running a full marathon today!"

I made it across the finish line in one piece...

My time and mileage according to Runtastic...
Pace per mile breakdown...

The official course time and tracking...
A NEW PR!!!!!!!!

A close up of the medal...

In other great news...Senovia got her PR as well!

I hung out with the Milers for a bit and then we saw Santa Claus...
{I told Santa I wanted the purple & white Garmin Forerunner 220 for Christmas...he didn't answer} 
[I'm not sure what to do with that response]

Diane and I left to head back to the hotel before check out (and to get something to eat). I'm so grateful that she came with me (Thanks Diane!). And once I regained sensation in my lower extremities I drove to pick up Kai from Giselle's house (Thanks Giselle!).

My evening was spent with Kai at the Memorial Milers Holiday party...
A great start and end to my day! 

Congrats to all the finishers at the EAU Palm Beach half and full marathon today!!!!


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