Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cross training equivalency breakdown...

Gym day included a quick Captain's Chair workout (5 sets x 10 reps {bended knees} + 4 sets of 5 reps {straight legs}); then cardio on the upright bike for 20 mins...

and on the elliptical for 26 mins...

I came across THIS article in Runners World about cross training. I was really interested in the equivalency breakdown for 3 of probably the most popular cross training exercises for runners...
(that's enough motivation to get me back in the pool!)

It's good to know what exercises to focus on for cross training because, like the article says, you still want to give your body time to recover. I'm a strong believer that your cross training days should provide you with a good workout but not necessarily be as intense (or more intense) than your running days. That being said, I'm not an elite/professional runner so I'm sure there is a large percentage of the running community that would probably disagree.

My wall sit challenge day 10...
I thought I was going to quads were on fire! Maybe I needed to rest my legs some more (I did it kind of early).

I'm exhausted today (it's been a really long day). I was up at 3am to get ready for my gym workout and then had a full day of work + parent activities at Kai's school until very late + homework help and corrections + being up way past my bedtime = me being very exhausted. Tomorrow is my running day. I may have to do a modified session depending on how I feel in the morning. I'm not going to push it too much because I have big plans for this weekend, but I hate canceling a running session since I do so few of them each week anyway. I'm going to sleep on it ;) and then see what the morning brings at 5am.

We are winding down a historic day in the USA. There have been 9-11 memorials all over the social media networks and the news all day. I (like most people in the US) remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when news of the plane hitting the first tower came on. And then watched (like many) the events that unfolded thereafter. There are no words to describe the emotions of that day, so I'll just close with this...
"Our hope is not found in the good deeds of many; nor our fear built on the evil of few. Rather, let our faith guide our steps as we continue our journey. And let us live each day as if we're born anew" ~LeAnne

And most importantly, may we Never Forget the lives lost in this (and any) senseless tragedy.

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