Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March is off to a great start!!!

I'm still in "recovery mode". My legs reminded me of that when I ran this morning. I initially scheduled myself (on my training calendar) to do 3.1 miles today. But I tend to overestimate how many miles I will feel up to running on the days following my races. I didn't quite make it to the 5K mark but I figured a 30 minute session wasn't too bad...

The air is a lot more humid now. Not as suffocatingly humid as summer will be but it's getting there. Even though the temps were only in the low 70s I was drenched in sweat by the time I finished running (I'll spare you that picture). The back drop to my run was as scenic as it always is...

And after my cool down walk I did some recovery yoga...
(my knee brace really helped me this morning during my run)

Recovery yoga selfie...

I'm pretty much back to 100% almost at 80% after my race on Sunday, except for this lingering sore spot/knot in my left hamstring. I had it before I ran this morning and although it's not better, I don't think the running made it worse. I've been stretching and massaging and even taught Kai how to use the massage roller so that she could help me target that area (the foam roller wasn't relieving it enough)...
In the spirit of "babying myself" I'm going to schedule a deep tissue massage to help relieve the tightness in my muscles. I've never had a massage before so I don't know if I will find it very beneficial. But I've heard from other runners that deep tissue massages work. They are painful (apparently) but they work. I will let you know how it goes when I do it :)

I decided to take on the #March100Miles Challenge put on by I <3 to run...
Technically I'm not an official participant because I didn't pay for the finisher medal, but I'm taking on the challenge to run 100 miles in March anyway. I was smart enough to pick a month with 31 days ;)
So far I've reached 15.68 miles...

...only 84.34 miles left to go!!!!!

Ever had a deep tissue massage? Is it worth it?

Who else is doing the #March100Miles Challenge? 


  1. you have me thinking about the BABY YOURSELF IN EVERY OTHER WAY.
    my bod does need some babying.

    1. Oh get a massage! or do something else to treat yourself! You definitely deserve to baby yourself :)

  2. Oh I just gave myself a hug after reading the "But baby yourself in every other way" meme.:)

    1. Nice! It's important for us to keep that in mind. We put our bodies through so much during training :) Have to make up for that somehow right?

  3. I'm in the 100miles in March challenge as well, but I too haven't paid for the medal...
    Good job on running in the humidity. It's still freezing cold in Iowa.

    1. I can't even imagine how cold it must be in Iowa. I'm a real temperature "wuss". I complain if it's too cold and complain if it's too hot :(
      Good luck with the challenge! How many miles have you completed so far?

  4. I haven't received a deep tissue massage either, you will have to let me know how it goes. I have been taking yoga classes again though now that my mileage is increasing.

    1. I will! I need to get back on my yoga game too. And swimming (I've completely neglected swimming recently)

  5. Love the "baby yourself" quote. I feel like I need a lot of couch time just to function lately...I guess that makes sense since I've just started training more again.

    1. Yes you definitely need more rest if you're increasing your training. What's coming up on your training agenda? A big race?


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