The first mile consisted of four 30s walk breaks...
And the second mile was a non-stop run...
Post run selfie...
I loved the overcast sky this morning. There's something about the quiet moment after your run when it's just you, your tired legs, and nature.
I took a moment to sit and take it all in...
...then my "time to get ready for work" alarm went off and the moment was lost.
After work I went swimsuit shopping. I'm trying to eliminate my excuses for not taking my butt to the pool to swim on my cross training days. I really hate shopping but Target was having a swimsuit sale (my favorite time to buy) so I went with Kai. We tried on a lot and purchased a few. One of my finalists...
This is the first Friday in ten weeks that I haven't had papers/assignments/tests to grade for an online class!!! The free time seems surreal. I've neglected my favorite shows on Hulu and Netflix so I'm going to be playing "catch up" starting tonight. And I'm in the process of setting up my ebook readers on my tablet so I'll finally be able to read the novels I've had on my electronic "bookshelf" for the past few months. First up: Gone Girl (haven't read it yet (I know, I'm really behind) and haven't seen the movie cause I wanted to read the book first).
What are your weekend plans?
What's your favorite show on Netflix or Hulu?
What book(s) are you reading right now?
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