Sunday, March 8, 2015

The "frenemy"...

Ahhhhh... Daylight Savings Time, a runner's "frenemy" (remember when that was a popular word?). The great thing about daylight savings for evening runners is they have more light for their running sessions, so it's much safer to run at that time. But, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction". Daylight savings makes running in the morning more challenging because now we morning runners have to wait until there is at least a glimpse of light in the early morning sky. So I waited for that this morning while monitoring the precipitation situation...

Eventually (about 21 minutes later) there was enough light for me to head out safely for my run. I decided to do a neighborhood route this morning (instead of my usual boardwalk-by-the-beach route). I got a mile into my run before I felt (what I will politely refer to as) "abdominal discomfort". Fortunately I was running a 3 mile loop that circled back to my car so I decided to break up my run into two parts.

Part 1 summary...

I took a few "time-lapse" videos for fun during the first part of my running session. The time-lapse makes me seem like a "sprinter" because I zip by so fast :) but there were a few frames that I really liked...

I still have a pretty bad heel strike...
(sorry for the blurry pics)

After a "mini-break" at home I completed the second part of my run in my neighborhood. The sky was still overcast but the rain hadn't started so I figured I might as well take advantage of the "overcast but precipitation free" weather.
Part 2 summary...

Post run selfie....

I'm happy to report that I've improved on some of my 2015 running milestones (according to my Garmin)...
The Miami & Miami Beach Half Marathons hold the record for hosting the majority of these milestones. 
There must be something about racing in Miami 

I spent most of my Sunday with "friends who are like family" and the rest of it with actual family. I also saw a portion of "Big Hero 6"...
(I fell asleep a some point after taking this pic and then woke up right before the end)

How was your long run this weekend?

How did you spend your Sunday? 

What's your favorite animated movie?


  1. I had a really great run this weekend! I actually ran my long run on Sunday because I was lacking in motivation Saturday.

    1. That's great! Glad you were able to get it done :)


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