Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Getting Started...

Up next on the race list is the Publix A1A half marathon and I definitely want to improve on the time I got at the Miami half that I completed last weekend. Even though my Miami time was a course PR for me (2:33:52), it wasn't a half marathon PR; and that's a major goal of mine this year...

This will be my second year doing the A1A half, and like many of the Ft Lauderdale events, most of the course is along the beach...

To be honest though, when I'm running along the beach all I think about is how much I would rather be tanning...

My 2016 A1A time was 2:41:26...
This year I'm hoping for as close to a 2:30:00 finish time as possible (it still won't be a half marathon PR but it will get me closer to that goal).

The race had a bit of a choppy route but there were only two major inclines when I ran it last year...

So I pretty much have 2.5 weeks to get ready. I've already identified the main things I need to improve on to be ready for a 2:30:00 time. So now all I have to do is actually do them. One of those things is improve my core strength. I'm not sure I want to take on any 30-day core workout challenges right now, but I do plan on using this as a guide for some of the cross training I do at home...

I've also been working on cutting excess sugar out of my diet and staying away from wine reducing my wine intake. I've been trying to eat healthier carbs too but that's an ongoing challenge. I'm working on it...

The start of the month found me continuing my running streak with a one mile run after work...

And then I had just enough time to shower, cook dinner (then eat dinner), and write this post before it was time for bed 😴😉.

How was the first of February for you?

Do you have any specific challenges you want to do this month?

What races do you have planned?


  1. I need to work on core strength (and overall strength training) too! My next race is this weekend, the Florida Half Marathon. I was planning a huge PR lol but not sure with my hamstring and knee issues I've been having.

    Hope you have a great February!

    1. Good luck on your race!!!!! What's your PR time goal? Take it easy with that hamstring and knee (you don't want to overdo it and be out of commission because of an injury). Let me know how the race goes... via blog post or otherwise ;)

  2. Thanks!! Well I'd like to do under 2:40. My goal for the year is less than 2:30 because I know I'm totally capable of it but just don't perform as well on race day. I will let you know! :)


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