Friday, February 3, 2017

A Day In The Life...

It's an odd day to do a "day in the life" post because I wasn't doing my typical routine today. But this is what my day will sometimes look like, so here goes...

0300: My alarm went off to remind me to go to the gym. I snoozed it.

0600: My alarm went off to remind me that I need to work in order to feed my child (and fund my running addiction). So I slowly got out of bed. I did 50 sit-ups and 30 leg raises (all a part of my new cross training regime), and got ready for work.

0700: Dropped Kai off at school

0715: I got to the location where I would be teaching today and started reviewing my lectures. As part of my job I teach a few national trauma nursing courses and a pediatric emergency nursing course. I love teaching (my masters degree is actually in nursing education) and it's nice to get a break from my normal routine to do something (else) that I love...

When I got to the classroom it was empty (I was really early)...

So I got settled and took a moment to check my work email...
(I look so serious when I'm working 😄)

0800: I started my normal morning hydration routine of coffee and water...

1000: Lecture time! I was only doing two lectures today. The first one was on Respiratory Emergencies in the pediatric population and the second one was on Pediatric Trauma...

Between lectures I enjoyed an "avoid paying health insurance co pays" snack...

1200: Lunch time! I decided to go for a tasty "not as healthy as it should be" lunch today: a BLT (cause it's yummy, albeit completely unhealthy) on a spinach wrap (cause it sounds healthy 😉)...

I chose to have coleslaw as my side (instead of chips) but apparently the cafeteria felt that I really needed two sandwiches...
(hmmm... 😕)

1530: Once the first round of testing was over (which all the nurses completed successfully) it was time to get errands done before picking up Kai from track practice after school...

1700: After errands I was still waiting for Kai to finish practice so I did some more work on my jigsaw puzzle...
My initial goal was to finish it by the end of January but... life. So now I'm hoping that I'll get it finished by the middle of the month. Once I got Kai I did my usual "prepare to run" stuff, but the evening was mostly spent having long phone conversations. Eventually I had to pry myself away from them in order to run before the day ended; but... the run was great 😊.

2030: Finally ending the day with my one mile rue...

And a post-run selfie...

So Friday is pretty much over and I'm ready for the weekend to start! I have about two more weeks until my next race and an amazing race weekend 😊! So the countdown begins 😉. 

How was your Friday?

What were some of the things you did today?

What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. 3 am wake up call for the gym??? That is dedication!! That is awesome you get to teach those courses as part of your job!

  2. Well to be fair I snoozed it so... not as dedicated as I should be ;)
    Thanks I really love teaching. One of the best parts of what I do :)


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