Friday, February 24, 2017

Jumpstarting The Weekend...

I was able to find my way to the gym this morning! I actually woke up around 3am and could not go back to sleep, so I figured it would a good idea to get a strength training workout in. Initially I was going to run after the gym but the air was nice and cool outside so I used the one mile run as my strength training warm up...
(not a bad pace for a 3am run 😊)

I was exhausted after and gasping for breath, so I did a cool down walk and was finally able to take a post-run selfie...

And then I went to the gym. I have a routine that I normally do on the leg press that's based on this...

I tried to replicate most of the foot placement recommendations and then added a few others...

On the leg press I normally do lighter weights, but I cycle through all the foot placement options (pictured above) doing 15 reps each. One entire cycle = one set; and I completed a total of three sets. At the end of the three sets I increased the weights by one level and, using the regular foot placement, I completed another set of 15 reps. Then I was done with the leg press so I moved on to work on my Adductors and Abductors.

Just like on the leg press, I stick to lighter weights on these machines. I started with the Abductors...
I did three sets of 15 reps at 100 lbs each. Then I did one set of 15 reps at 105 lbs, and another set of 15 reps at 110 lbs.  

Then I moved on to the Adductors...
I did the same routine on this machine: 100 lbs: 3 x 15 reps; 105 lbs: 1 x 15 reps; 110 lbs: 1 x 15 reps. 

Once I cycled through everything I was ready to go home and get some rest before work (where I had a busy but productive day working on my poster presentation for an upcoming conference with Rachele [my partner in crime at work]). 

Tomorrow I have "track mom" duties and I have to go back to work, so it will be another busy but (hopefully) productive day. I'm going to try and get my run completed in the morning (but sleeping in sounds equally appealing 😉), if not I'll do a short run tomorrow evening and a long run on Sunday morning...

When are you doing your long run this weekend?

Do you use the leg press when strength training?

What's your favorite gym workout routine?


  1. Wow that strength training workout seems intense!!

    1. Lol it's actually not that bad when I'm doing it. The day after though... ;)


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