Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Colors of the wind...

Last night I dreamt that I was Pocahontas (I know...weird). It's a good thing I don't talk in my sleep because I'm sure no one in my house would have been happy if I belted out Colors of the Wind at five o'clock in the morning...

Today was a mid-week running day (typical 30 minute session). When I eventually got out of bed at 5:30am it was still really dark outside. I noticed a sharp pain in the front of my knee when I stepped down off my bed. I'm going to keep a close eye on that. I have never had pain in the front of my knee before (just the sides and back of my knee). I really hope this isn't a new issue.

I was going to try and jog the entire 30 minute session (which I used to do before my injury...and yes "jog" means running slower than I already do...and yes, that is humanly possible, surprisingly enough). Instead I decided to stick with the run:walk intervals since I'm not sure what the new pain was and I am really trying to listen to my body (thankfully, I didn't really feel the pain during my run).

Today was a 2:1 ratio day. I used my interval timer app to signal when I should switch gears...
Wednesday Confession: I've been a bit "taper-happy" in past running sessions, reducing the running interval durations (rather than sticking with it) because I'm feeling tired. There have been times when I've reduced the duration because of pain and I'm ok with that. But I know that if I want to increase my endurance I need to be able to run longer than a minute or two at a time.

And of course this was the backdrop....
Perfect way to start the day.

This was the summary of my morning session...
Not bad but I still have a long way to go.

I saw this today and it resonated with me...

This might explain why I struggle with cardio workouts. I actually used to love going to the gym back when I was doing weight training. One day soon I'll be back on track with that (but I will definitely be doing light weights...can't afford anymore injuries). In the meantime I'm going to keep up the core exercises I did in physical therapy and doing more "body weight" exercises. This will be a good tool to use when I start my strength training again...

Final thought for this wonderful Wednesday (I got this from an article I read on

How are your mid-week training sessions going?
What do you prefer: cardio vs. strength training?

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