Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weapons of Muscle Pain Destruction

I bought a foam roller today! Yes, I have been running for over a year without one, but I did have other tools of torture at my disposal. I used the foam roller to target different muscles, but spent the most time on my IT Band
I decided to start with the "travel" compact sized roller so that I can carry it with me to use as part of my post run recovery routine (and also because it was the one on sale).

My other torture device targets the trigger points...
I actually really like this one. I've been using it since earlier this year and it works great! I am hoping that the combination of both devices will really help.

I got my Saturday errands done and Kaiyu is fundraising to save up for her 8th grade trip so she bought candy to sell....
It's important to me that she takes the initiative to contribute towards the trip. It will make her appreciate being able to go a lot more if she has to work towards it (in addition to maintaining excellent grades and behavior).

Then is was time to start dinner. On the menu today was Spaghetti and garlic bread. While I made dinner, Kaiyu worked on dessert. She decided to make homemade chocolate...

The finished product....(after we took "samples")

I decided to run tomorrow. It will be a short run (2-3 miles). Kai is still on board and we will be meeting up with my friend Diane. I love running with others so I'm really looking forward to it!

Does everyone foam roll? Which type do you use?
What's your favorite homemade dessert?

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