Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday Life in Pics...

Today is my first Life in Pics blog post. I was invited to join in on the Life in Pics linkup by a fellow blogger. So this is my Saturday captured in pictures (with very little explanation) and the link to check out the other bloggers joining in is at the end of the post. Hope you enjoy!

Woke up to...


Any one I want...

Day 13...

Avoiding errands...


Visiting Grandma and Grandpa...

Junior bridesmaid dress shopping...

Finally here...

Tea time...

Thanks for the invite Linda @


  1. 1. It's getting rainier and colder, same with the weather here.
    2. Love that motivation al quote! I saved it to my phone to read before cross country practices.
    3. Gym is empty nowadays?
    4. You ran for more than two hours?! You're cray Cray!


    1. 1. Yes rainier but still humid :(
      2. I'm going to tape it to my mirror ;)
      3. I go the the gym before the crowd (it was 4am this morning)
      4. wall sit challenge...2 mins 10 secs :)

  2. I love the day 13 pic! Looks like you woke up to some hot and rainy weather!

  3. Yup! Summer has been humid. Every year I forget how muggy summer gets until I am reminded. I can't wait for the weather to cool down :)


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