Sunday, May 31, 2015

A Change of Plans...

As much as I really wanted to run my 10 miles this morning (or at least walk them) my ankle was not back to 100%. It wasn't even in the high 90s. So I decided to be a good athlete and take a "running rest day". It wasn't a complete rest day because I went to the gym instead.

I absolutely loved the motivational messages that were posted around the gym this morning...
 I was calm... but I don't use free weights so that was probably why ;)

I missed out on the normal fresh air along the Boardwalk and settled for this view...

It would have been the perfect day to swim, but I opted for cardio and light weights today...
Workout summary:
Upright bike x 20 mins (warmup)
Leg press
Hamstring curl
Leg extension
Leg press
Recumbent bike x 10 mins (cool down)

Gym work isn't as exhilarating as running. It's not even more exhilarating than walking or swimming. But it worked for today. I see my orthopedic surgeon tomorrow afternoon for what I'm hoping will be a "Don't worry you're fine and NO you don't have a stress fracture" visit.

Later in the morning Kai and I went to the FiredUp Health Expo...

It was raining before we got there and the weather resulted in a delayed start (since is was outside). While we waited Kai and I listened to Soca music and took pics...

Then after about 45 minutes in the car we realized that we should probably go in. Not many people were there (other than the vendors) so we walked around a bit, visited the yoga booth, and spoke with a running coach who does personalized online training...

In talking to Coach Chad about my current training he came to the realization that:
I knew a lot more about my running, my body, my training, where I am in terms of my preparation for Chicago, & where I should be in terms of my preparation for Chicago than (what he described as) "the average runner". I'm not sure what that means exactly since I consider myself to be pretty average when it comes to my running, but I accepted the compliment anyway :)

He did make one recommendation that I am going to follow, which was to start incorporating track workouts and drills into my training. And since my running coach from the Memorial Milers is starting a Wednesday evening track session it will be pretty easy for me to do that. I've always been intimidated by track workouts because they imply speed and that's a challenge for me. But I figure I'll go and try it. What's the worst that could happen?

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get more out of the Fitness Expo, but to be fair I didn't stay long. It was outdoors and the humidity was awful and I didn't bring water with me :(
But the entire day wasn't a total bust because guess what I snacked on when I got home???
Ok so this might be contrary to the whole point of "fitness and health" but I only had one three a few squares. 
It's hard to find non-dairy chocolate, and it's even harder to find non-dairy chocolate that tastes good. 
This brand is amazing! I love it!!! (available at Whole Foods)

I spent the rest of the day watching shows on Netflix and updating my running journal...

How was your Sunday? Please share some long run good news!

Are you a chocolate lover? What's your favorite brand?

How often do you do track workouts?


  1. Good Luck at your appointment tomorrow!!! I always self-diagnose myself with a stress fracture and my PT thinks I'm nuts!

    I LOVE chocolate!!! What netflix shows are you watching now? I am in the need of something new. :)

    1. I'm actually watching an old show...The West Wing (recommended by one of my best friends). But I just finished watching Daredevil and I loved it! Try that one and see if you like it; or if you want an oldie but goodie then try the West Wing ;)

  2. Track workouts always intimidated me too until I went to a group session. So much encouragement from all the runners there :) Good luck with yours!

    1. Thanks Amy!!!! I'm going with an open mind and hopefully it will be a great session :)

  3. Good for you, taking an active rest day! It's hard mentally but worth it physically :) I hope your appointment went well!

    1. Thanks so much! I had some running withdrawal but it was worth the peace of mind knowing that I wasn't making anything worse ;)


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