Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Early Morning Easy Miles...

I did it guys! I woke up this morning and got OUT of bed without snoozing my alarm and got 3+ miles done! It was a pretty early morning (I woke up at 3:20am and I was out of the house by 4am for a 4:20am run start time). I ran with Andy from my running group (no one else decided to join us this morning) and we did the usual out and back route...

Normally the group runs are all done with intervals, but this morning we decided to just run until a walk break was needed and then pick up the pace once the break was over...

I was glad I got my run completed in the morning because I did not want to run once I got home from work. Today was a very long day, partially because it started at 3:20am, and also because it was busy at work. So knowing that I could spend the evening relaxing was pretty nice.

My triathlon swimwear came!!! I really want to test it out tomorrow morning, but I also want to run tomorrow morning. My plan is to do a 1/2 mile swim and then come home (change quickly) and do a one (or more) mile run. If I'm going to be able to accomplish all of that in the morning I definitely need to get a good night's sleep tonight. Two nights of not enough sleep will not be good. Plus since I started coughing again I know I need to focus on getting more rest. Otherwise I could potentially relapse and I definitely don't want that!

How was your Wednesday?

Did you do a solo or group run today?

Do you like to do back-to-back workouts (like my swim then run plan for tomorrow)?


Thanks for your comment!