Friday, March 17, 2017

Weekend Getaway Day 1...

Let the vacation begin!!!! I was up well before the crack of dawn (around 2:30am) getting ready for my flight, and left just as the sun was rising...

By the time I saw home the morning was just getting started...

Most of the morning was spent visiting family so our road trip didn't really start until the early afternoon; and thanks to the highway I didn't get car sick...

It was rainy and overcast all of the way...

Once we arrived we decided to stop for food to get "some of the best jerk chicken"...

And then eventually made it to our home for the weekend...

After lunch and a short nap we headed out for a one mile run (gotta keep the streak alive even on vacation 😉)...

And then went to the beach to say hello to the water before the rain came...

The weather isn't the greatest but we're still having a great time. It's nice to get away from busy work schedules and take the time to make memories. Tomorrow was supposed to be a beach/barbecue day but the weather may not permit, so plan B will be games and movies 😉.

How was your Friday?

What do you have planned for the weekend?

Favorite road trip route: Scenic local roads? Highway? 

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