Monday, March 27, 2017

Kicking Off A Crazy Week...

This week is going to be really busy at work. I'm trying to get all my workouts done in the morning so that my evenings are less hectic. And as we get closer to the end of the week I will be at my 500th blog post and I'll hit my 90 day blogging streak mark. I have a few things in mind to honor both of those occasions... and I have a few changes I'm thinking about making as well. But until then I'm just taking this week one day at a time.

Today started with a two mile run...

and then I bonded with coffee at work...

It felt like I was slaving away at my desk for most of the day but, thanks to my morning run, Garmin Connect was really proud of my movements...
Tomorrow will be another high activity day (Garmin will be so excited) because I'm teaching and whenever I teach I tend to walk between my office and the course location a lot 😊. 

Over the past few days I've been thinking about what my next steps will need to be as I prepare for the rest of this year and the next two years. Not just running-wise but life in general. I usually have a 3 (and 5... & 10) year plan, so I'm usually planning and preparing for stuff way in advance. That's why I register for races a year in advance. And why I tentatively "schedule" marathons two to three years in advance. I like to set my goals long before I'm at the point where I can achieve them and then work hard to get to those goals (and maybe even pass them). After all, even when achieving a goal seems unlikely to impossible, it's still a chance worth taking...

How was your Monday?

What are your "unlikely to impossible" goals?

What's your most active day of the week?


  1. Haha that's awesome that your Garmin does that. :) That's so good that you set goals and work toward them. I tend to be more "immature" and focused on the present and need to work more on future goals!

    1. Sometimes it's great to not overthink the training plan ;) It allows you to "stay in the moment" :)


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