Sunday, January 22, 2017

Fatal Attraction...

I broke up my 10 miles into two runs today. Mainly because my running group was only doing 7 miles and also because I wanted to start my run earlier than my group was starting...
(first 3.1 miles solo)

After the 5K portion I drove to the meet up spot for the group run and waited for my running buddies to arrive. Then we set out on my second (their first) run of the day...
(second 7 (.09) miles with my group)

By the time we were done it was way too hot and way too sunny outside...

I spent the rest of the day doing family related stuff on social media. So for several blog posts I've mentioned that my family and I have been going through a difficult time. I haven't gone into too much detail about it previously because I wasn't ready to talk about it on this forum yet. But it's been over two weeks and although we are very much still in the midst of the crisis, I can finally talk about it here. 

My uncle and my cousin bought a boat in FL that they were sailing back to Jamaica. They routed their trip from FL though the Bahamas because there were issues with weather etc. They (along with two other gentlemen) finally left the Bahamas on January 6th. Shortly after leaving the Bahamas (maybe a few hours or so) a call was made to say they had engine trouble. That was the last anyone has seen or heard from them since. 

My cousin Javan & Uncle Bas...

The past several weeks has been difficult horrible. We have tried every possible avenue and reached out to anyone who might know anything. So far we have not been able to confirm their whereabouts. And not knowing is extremely difficult. So we (my family and I) decided to launch a social media campaign just in case anyone out there has any information that could possibly help...

I've managed to run through the challenges of the past three weeks. To some extent... to a large extent, having a running streak has given me something else to focus on. But, the weight of their absence has been tremendously unbearable. 

Please keep thinking positive thoughts and keep them (and us) in your prayers.

How was your run/training today?

How often do you split up your long run?


  1. Sending you lots of positive thoughts that your family will be found and wishing you and everyone strength to get through this very difficult time.!! :(


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