That's pretty much how I felt after my 5K training run this morning. I did 90s:30s intervals and was able to achieve a 10:42min/mile pace with negative splits...
My legs were definitely feeling it after! I'm going to try and slow my pace for the next few runs just to give my muscles a break. I don't want to risk getting injured on a training run so if I can maintain an 11:30min/mile pace for the rest of the week I'll be happy...
And at the end of the day I don't mind cutting back the pace in order to keep my running streak alive for as long as possible...
In other news, I might have gone a teeny tiny bit overboard with race registrations today...
I got extra excited about running when I saw the race bling for the Miami Half this year (it's a little blurry but you can still see how beautiful it is 😍)...
But it's all budgeted for so at the end of the day the heart gets what it wants (well... as long as my dedicated running savings account can afford it 😉).
In between my run this morning and the evening depletion of my running savings account, I spent my day at work as usual. Today I was busy preparing for my pediatric trauma committee meetings and doing everything else on my work to-do list except the minutes from the last committee meeting...
(I hate doing minutes 😣)
For the past two days my general mood can't really be put into words. It's been emotionally exhausting and stressful. And as much as running has helped distract me it hasn't solved anything. So until I hear some good news my current status remains as follows...
(please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers)
How awesome are The Awkward Yeti comics??? Do you follow his Instagram?
(If not you really should! ⇉ TheAwkwardYeti's IG account ⇇)
Does speed work hurt your legs? How often do you try to push the pace during your training weeks?
Tell me one good thing that happened today (I'm in desperate need of some good news right now)
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